
POLICIES and PROCEDURES: by signing our registration form it means you have read AND agree to the following:

Parent/Guardian Responsibility to be aware of dates, events, changes due to weather.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or adult student to be aware of academy activities such as rehearsals, recitals, shows, performances and dates that we are open and/or closed. Concordia will post notices on our social media accounts (instagram and Facebook) as well as provide an annual calendar on our website.  It is the parent/guardian responsibility to regularly check our social media accounts, our website, and all incoming emails to ensure they are informed of our events or changes. Please check your spam email as sometimes emails get sent to spam. It is also the responsibility of the parent/guardian/or adult student to inform the academy of any address, e-mail or telephone number change or credit card change.  Concordia Arts Academy is a technology-based academy and our primary method of communication is via email and social media announcements for notices and information. It is the responsibility of each family to ensure that they are receiving and reading academy emails and updates on our pages/website.  It is the parent/guardian responsibility to READ their recital/show packets and follow those instructions for rehearsals, make up, pictures, hair, arrival times and tickets.

By signing our registatrion form, you agree to the following: CONCORDIA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASE, COVID or OTHER.  

ENROLLMENT: Registration is a commitment for both Fall and Spring semesters from August  through May (see our calendar tab for exact dates). Enrollment fee is $40 due at registration, $150 for homeschool registration. There is no discontinuing tuition for homeschool classes for the 10 month period. A fourty-five-day written notice (via email) is required to discontinue private and/or group lessons or classes during that commitment period.  For music lessons you must email both the music instructor and the office. There are NO refunds for classes/fees/supply fees/recital/costume/dance-wear fees paid. Homeschool tuition will be paid for 10 months whether the student attends or not.  Do NOT ask our staff to refund for the above mentioned.

LESSONS: Private music students can choose from piano, bass, guitar, violin, voice, flute, mandolin, clarinet, drums or saxophone. Private dance students can choose from ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, tumble/acro, modern, aerial silks or hip hop.  If a student is 15 minutes late or more to a private lesson, the teacher is not required to stay and teach that lesson. Dance students should always arrive early to stretch for privates, in dance attire. Summer lessons are required for music students. Summer classes and intensives are required for dancers in Company.

GROUP classes: are available for all genres of dance, musical theatre, art, aerial silks and acro/tumble, cooking/baking. There are no make-ups for group classes or homeschool classes. Some group classes like dance and theatre require a few extra rehearsals when getting closer to show dates. Dance and musical theatre students are expected to be at every rehearsal/dress rehearsal and should not miss more than 2 classes per semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students that miss too many classes will be scheduled for private lessons to catch up or may have to drop the class, depending on timing.

PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS: Music students need to practice at least 4 to 5 days per week for the student’s progress to excel. Suzuki students need to listen to their Suzuki songs at least 5 days per week and listen ahead in their songs. Let your teacher know if you need more practicing tips. Dance students are encouraged to stretch and practice their dances at home at least 5 days per week. Theatre students should work on memorizing their parts, songs and dances at home as soon as they are cast.

MAKE UP LESSONSMissed private lessons, homeschool classes or group lessons will not be deducted from monthly tuition. There are no make-up private music lessons unless your teacher cancels on you. There are NO make-ups for group classes.

HOLIDAY & SNOW DAYS:  Check our social media accounts to be updated on inclement weather closings.  There will be no make ups in group classes for snow days/inclement weather. Our yearly calendar is on our calendar page, please refer to the calendar page prior to emailing us questions about dates.  Please note, we are OPEN on MLK Jr. Day.

RECITALS & SHOWS: There will be at least 2 performance opportunities through-out the year. ALL students are encouraged to perform!  All dance and musical theatre families will be expected to purchase designated make up, undergarment leotards, shoes and tights when needed for shows and those are separate from costume fees.  Please refer to recital emails for all information.

MONTHLY TUITION: Tuition for group evening classes and private lessons is pro-rated over a 10-month period and does not fluctuate based on how many weeks or days are in a month. Late tuition (after the 5th) results in an automatic $25 late fee. Returned Checks result in an automatic $40 fee. Tuition is late after the 5th of each month, no exceptions. Tuition paid 6-10 days late results in a $25 late fee, 11-29 days late results in a $35 late fee, 30 days late results in a $45 late fee and late fees will continue to double in cost each month up to $90 until tuition is caught up. Tuition must be on auto-pay or paid in advance by cash or check.  All homeschool classes must be on auto-pay or paid in full by August, no exceptions.  All homeschool tuitions are to follow the homeschool tuition schedule on our homeschool page. Homeschool tuitions are required to cover August through May (10 months) on the homeschool tuition schedule once registration is processed. 

*Tuitions will increase slightly each year.

COSTUMES:  Any costume fees received after Feb 15 will be charged $99 per costume. Tights, Shoes and Make-Up are NON-Returnable, NON-Refundable and not included with costumes.  Supply fees and registration fees are NON-refundable. ALL costume fees of $88 each are NON-refundable and due by Oct 1, unless you have multiple costumes (more than 3) on an auto-pay costume plan which will include a 3% charge.  Auto-pay costume plan will start Sept 15, – Feb 15.  (Costumes are for Spring shows). Christmas Ballet show fees of $55 for tutus/accessories are charged to your account on September 15th. If you do not notify the office by September 1st that your child is NOT performing in the Christmas Ballet, you will be charged for the Christmas Ballet accessories, there is no refund. If you do not notify the office by October 1st that your child is not performing in the Spring Show your child’s costume(s) will be sent home with them upon arrival and there is no refund for the Spring costume(s).

REFUNDSNo refunds on camps or intensives.  NO refunds for costumes, dance-wear, recital, tickets, shows, registration fees or any supply fees. NO refunds on homeschool tuition, supply fees or reg fees for homeschool. No exceptions, please do not ask any member of our staff to refund you for the above mentioned. If a student cannot participate in performance, they will still receive a costume. 

SICKNESS:  DO NOT bring students into the building with fever or contagious disease, contagious skin fungus, or other contagious illnesses.  You will be asked to take your child immediately if they are ill and you bring them into the building. Concordia will not be held responsible for any sickness.

Care of Students:  Parents are responsible to walk or watch your child walking in and out of the buildings. Concordia Arts Academy is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Parents with students under the age of 5 are asked to remain nearby the academy during dance classes (running errands is fine while your student is in class but please don’t go more than a few miles). Students age 11 or under are not to be left unattended at the academy before or after lessons or classes. Parents, legal guardians, and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on academy property.  Parents or guardians will clean up after their own children if they vomit, have bloody noses, bleed or have potty accidents.

SUMMERMusic students will be billed for private music lessons in the summer. You can schedule these with your teacher directly. Students are encouraged to do camps and intensives or master classes through-out the summer. Company dance students are required to do the summer minimum: 6 hours of ballet plus pointe classes if in en pointe, Company classes and the summer dance intensive.  Intensives and camps are non-refundable.  All dancers should take summer classes to keep up on flexibility, skills and agility.

CONDUCT: All students will be asked to act in a respectful manner toward each other and their teachers.  Students must clean up their trash and treat the property of Concordia in an appropriate manner. No peanuts are allowed in the building due to some extreme allergies by many of our students. If a student is overly disruptive they will be asked to sit out or leave at the teacher’s discretion.  If a student is disrespectful to any Concordia teacher, staff member or student, they may be asked to leave Concordia.  If a student shows or looks at inappropriateness on their electronics in our studio, their device will be taken away and given to the parent when the parent picks them up.  Students are not allowed to complain in class about other students or teachers.  Please talk to your child about talking to the teacher privately after class if they have an issue.

PARENT CONDUCT:  All parents will follow our policies and treat our staff members and volunteers with respect or they may be asked to leave.  If a problem should arise, parents may email the teacher and/or Creative Director to set a meeting outside of their normal class times.  Parents are not allowed to talk to teachers when they are teaching or in between classes unless a meeting time has been set. Parents are not allowed to distract any group classes. Parents are not allowed into group classes unless invited by instructor. Please do not carry on conversations in the lobby while dance classes and music lessons are in session as that will deter teachers from educating students and students from learning. Parents please do not let your little ones that are not in the dance class onto the dance floor or allow them to touch our curtain dividers. Parents, please do not sit, walk, stand on the dance floor. This is for your student’s safety. Parents, please use the restrooms in #100 or #200 so as not to cut through dance classes in #300. Only in-class students in  #300 classes should use restrooms in that building. 

Eating:  There is no food allowed in dance rooms. The designated areas to eat are the kitchen (200) and outdoor benches all around the building. If you eat on the premises, please clean up your mess and sweep the crumbs because the bugs will come quick! All students may have a labeled water bottle (no glass). We also have drinking fountains in studio 300.

DRESS CODE:  For art and homeschool:  Please wear shirts with sleeves (no tanks), longer shorts or pants.  Must wear socks/tennis shoes or shoes covering the toes for homeschool classes. Proper dress (including hair style, dance shoes for certain dance genres) should be followed or student will be asked to sit out by the teacher. NO STREET shoes allowed on the dance floors.  Please ask our front desk for help with your dance uniform.

Dance Classes/Aerial Silks/Musical Theatre/Tumble/Acro:  Hair must be pulled back in braids or ponytail(s)

DRESS CODE:  Please refer to our dance class uniforms for dance. Bellissimo in Franklin carries all of our required leotards. 

NO mid-riffs, NO bootie shorts allowed. Wear cover-ups in and out of the building.

Ballet Classes:  Girl’s hair must be in a bun. Please do not wear tights with runs or holes.

Dance Classes/Aerial Silks/Musical Theatre/Tumble/Acro:  Hair must be pulled back in braids or ponytail(s)

No jewelry allowed in dance, aerial silks or musical theatre classes.

Lost and Found: lost and found items will be donated at the end of each semester if not claimed. Concordia Arts Academy is not responsible for student items left unattended.