Visual Art Classes & Lessons

Evening Art Class Descriptions

Art 1: 2nd – 5th Grades (Tuesday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM)

Students enrolled in this class will be introduced to studio techniques involving drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking, and sculpture. Students will learn to manipulate a variety of media as his/her fine motor skills continue to develop throughout the year.

In order to further each child’s understanding of the Elements of Art, classes will focus on practicing skills using the Elements of Art and incorporating them into their projects. The Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Form, Value, Space, Texture, and Color, are considered the “basic language” and building blocks of the creative process. Art history will be included on occasion through the introduction to various artists and art movements which projects may reflect.

*Students may occasionally be required to take artwork home to be completed between classes if he/ she is unable to complete the work within the given time period or is absent.

**Student artworks will be displayed during the Art Showcase in the Spring semester and will have the opportunity to sell one selected artwork of his/her choosing.

Art 2: 6th – 9th Grades (Tuesday, 4:00 – 5:00 PM)

Students enrolled in this class will continue to build on studio techniques focused on drawing, painting, mixed media, and sculpture. Students will continue further development of his/her fine motor skills while exploring a wider variety of media to create his/her artworks.

Classes will continue to build on the skills that focus on the Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Form, Value, Space, Texture, and Color. However, students will also be introduced to the Principles of Design in order to begin thinking about the compositions of their artworks. The Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Contrast, Unity, Rhythm, Movement, Proportion, and Balance created through the use of the Elements of Art. Art history will be included on occasion through the introduction to various artists and art movements which projects may reflect.

*Students may occasionally be required to take artwork home to be completed between classes if he/ she is unable to complete the work within the given time period or is absent.

**Student artworks will be displayed during the Art Showcase in the Spring semester and will have the opportunity to sell one selected artwork of his/her choosing

An $80 art supply fee is charged to each student for both the Fall and Spring semesters. This is a separate charge from tuitions.